Fire Protection Equipment

Fire Protection Equipment

Fire protection equipment is essential at every workplace. At Would Ya!® Enterprises, we keep your employees safe by providing reliable sales and servicing of a variety of fire protection equipment. 

Sales and servicing

Fire protection equipment servicing is carried out on a regular basis to ensure effectiveness in an emergency. All of our fire extinguisher and fire hose reel servicing is carried out in accordance with AS1851: 2012 by our fully qualified technicians at your premises or our workshop.

In a commercial environment AS1851: 2012 requires all fire extinguishers/fire hose reels to be serviced on a 6-monthly basis with specific areas requiring attention on a 1 year and 5 year basis. You may also find that fire extinguisher/fire hose reel servicing is a requirement specified by your insurance company or may lead to a price reduction for your insurance policy if this is carried out.

After any servicing work, all maintenance tags are updated to reflect the date of the service and type of service carried out and a full location report is emailed to the designated contact. 

The Australian Standard AS1851: 2012 includes several tables relating to fire extinguisher/fire hose reel servicing and testing.
Fire extinguisher/fire hose reel servicing is not a case of simply stamping the maintenance tag and moving onto the next fire extinguisher/fire hose reel. The tables in the AS1851 provide an extensive list of tasks to be carried out on each fire extinguisher/fire hose reel. Make sure your current provider services your fire extinguishers/fire hose reels properly!

What we service

  • Water (stored pressure)
  • Foam (stored pressure)
  • Wet chemical
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2)
  • Dry powder
  • Fire hose Reels
  • Fire blankets

We can refill all types of fire extinguishers, except dry powder fire extinguishers. We recommend that dry powder fire extinguishers are replaced if used or due for a pressure test. Pricing depends on quantity and location zone. 

Let our professionals keep your workplace safe. Call us on 0417 993 069.

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